Electric knife sharpeners are well known for producing great heat while sharpening. Friction from the metal edge against the sharpener over time will do that. You’ve got to know just how hot you’ll allow the metal edge to get. If your blade changes color on you, if you’re waiting for that to be the sign, you’ve blown it. If you see sparks, forget about it. Your blade edge has been overheated and has lost its temper. Yeah, you’ve got an angry knife on your hands! (Ha!) No. To lose temper on a blade means that you have weakened it. Made it brittle, even pliable. Just imagine using it now. That is a knife that you don’t want.
Even knowing that, electric knife sharpeners have Damascus pocket knife improved a great deal over the last decade. Some of them are astonishing in what they claim they’re able to do. Some sharpeners have a description saying that they “will never detemper” knife edges. Wow. Wouldn’t that be something? To never, ever have to worry. Truly amazing.
Take a look at the sharpening angle? This is the angle of the bevel that determines the functionality and durability of each knife. Some modern electric knife sharpeners have high precision knife guides that it is said will achieve the exact sharpening angle they want, precisely. You needn’t concern yourself over it. Some sharpeners actually claim that they will do as much as convert the existing sharpening angle of some knives to a different, more high performing sharpening angle. Another says that it’ll get the edge to a condition that is better than the factory edge. It’ll give it a sharpening angle that performs better than that given by the one’s who’ve made the knife. Truly awesome declarations, one and all.
Many of the latest electric knife sharpeners have improved to having several sharpening stages all in one. The first stage is meant to get the edge to sharpness. You could stop right there if you wanted. The second stage is usually a finer sharpening with smaller abrasive particles than is found in the first stage. It is meant to get the edge to razor-sharpness. The third stage is meant for stropping. How about that? An electric knife stopper to get your edge silky smooth. Absolutely extraordinary.
Electric knife sharpening has definitely grown by leaps and bounds. If everything they claim is true, why would anyone want to know how to manually sharpen their knives? A very good question. Here’s your answer: It isn’t possible to take most kinds of electric knife sharpeners away from home and out into the field. Many of them are battery powered but they’re size or bulk doesn’t make transport very practical. It’s not very good thinking to take an electric knife sharpener when you go out fishing or out camping. You really shouldn’t take it out on a boat or on a hunt. With electric knife sharpeners, you’ve got to be near an outlet or in a secure and safe location.
Most times then, it just isn’t reasonable. Too many times you’ll need to sharpen your knife’s edge right where you are, where all you’ve got is yourself, maybe a pack and your own two hands. But most of all, more than all of this, sharpening on a sharpening stone will still get you the sharpest edge possible. It is still the most reliable way to sharpen your knives.
If you only need to sharpen your knives while you’re at home, an electric knife sharpener is probably all you’ll ever need. But if you’re an active individual who often needs to do some sharpening while you’re out in the world, you’ll want to learn how to sharpen knives with your own two hands. And don’t worry. You’ve got many choices to make that happen.